Little Explorers School has nice facilities, a well-kept garden, and a joyful playground.

Every morning the staff smiling at you, once you enter the gate. They let the little ones feel welcomed, loved and very special, noticing whether they are wearing a new shirt, football jersey, dress or shoes. You can see children walk in line, happily singing all the way to class, instead of a noisy ringing bell.

In Little Explorers School one can find practical life studies, integrated with the Montessori principles.

Every activity supports an aspect of a child’s development. The children enjoy experiments and hands-on learning, in order to discover and explore knowledge of the world, the environment and nature.

The school provides a large variety of materials, using natural quality wood ones, for developing literacy and mathematical understanding, sensory perception, and languages skills in English & French. The fabulous library in school helps to increase enthusiasm for learning, by reading and watching movies about geography, animals and history.

The professional Montessori certified teachers approach behavior challenges differently. Instead of commanding the children, they ask leading questions, give choices, or let them to take part in the decisions or solutions. By using this approach, the teachers succeed to get into their mind and gain their cooperation with a lifted mood. In addition, the teachers put efforts in developing concentration, coordination, and offer opportunities to gain independence in daily tasks. They help to build up trust and confidence in themselves, their world and abilities. The Montessori perception gives freedom to explore and to learn from their own experience even encourages it, as long as it safe.

Safety obviously goes without saying. There are very strict rules, always being careful and taking extra precautions. Labeled and isolated facilities, when something might happen. Gives extra care with food allergies, and has an available nurse service during school time.

I commend this school also for teaching good values, and social skills as well. The children have been shown how to be kind, thoughtful and respectful to the different and other, especially in an international cultural environment this school has.

The children can enjoy After School Program includes Taekwondo, Soccer, Zumba, music, arts & crafts, homework, swimming and tasting. The kids are so enthusiastic, they want to stay in school and continue playing when pickup time arrives.

Looking back, I made the right decision to leave my child in that school, I just couldn’t ask for more!”

Dana Ravid, Eitan’s Mum

Our 3 daughters spent their early years with LEMP. Daily magic began as they walked into the school gates, welcomed by the warm greetings of the teachers. School facility was carefully designed and maintained. It was pleasure to see the little ones ‘exploring’ various types of life skills needed at their stages of life in such a beautiful environment. LEMP probably had the best trained teachers and staff among several nurseries and kindergartens we had seen in different countries. What a comfort it was for us as parents to know that our girls were being nurtured by the highly skilled teachers who genuinely cared about their development and welfare! As the children moved on to an international school and to another country subsequently, it became obvious that the Montessori method as practiced at LEMP prepared them well academically and socially, making their transitions smooth and less stressful.

We are sure that one day the girls would recall the time at LEMP as one of the most beautiful experiences in their lives. We truly miss LEMP!

Naoki Takyo 

Our family has been part of the Little Explorers Montessori Plus community since January 2019 and its been one of the best decisions ever.

Our son Samori, who just turned 6, has learnt practical life skills as part of the Montessori principles at LEMP, which he uses daily at home. He’s able to clean his plates and eating area after a meal. The cookery lessons they have as part of their after school program has helped improve Samori’s knife skills. They are also taught social skills, which is important in making them well-rounded individuals. There are numerous after school activities the children are involved in like zumba, yoga, drumming and dancing, swimming, etc.

The teachers are highly trained and are always available to speak with you about the progress of your child. The facilities on campus are top notch, from the auditorium, classrooms, pool, an amazing playground etc.  And not forgetting the high quality learning aids and resources used. You are also met with warmth during drop off from the smiles, greetings, and happy birthday songs during birthdays to name a few. We especially enjoyed the forums, sports day and parents night out.  Those were always fun ways to meet and engage with

 fellow parents.

The plan was for Hendrix; our youngest son to join his brother at LEMP but sadly, the time has come for us to move on to the next chapter. We will dearly miss LEMP.


On behalf of the Gambrah family, we want to say a big thank you to the entire staff at LEMP.

Jean Filson

Samori’s Mom

Since Pierre (18 months old) began LEMP 2 months ago, he clears his plate from the table after dinner, says thank you without prompting, and meticulously chooses one activity at a time in his playroom at home while enjoying helping mum clean up afterwards. His voracious appetite for learning and exploring his environment is the enduring essence of an LEMP pupil; I know this because his older brother attended this school for 4 wonderful years.

LEMP was the main reason we decided to stay in Ghana and why I resigned from my demanding career. Having content, well-adjusted children in the fundamental first 6 years of their life became our priority and goal. Thanks to a culture of learning which extends to the insightful and regular parenting forums as well as a principal who is always available for her parents, that goal has become tangible.

I look forward to dropping Pierre off at school in the mornings; to see the smiling faces of the caring and devoted staff and to see my little boy confidently, happily and eagerly step into his bilingual classroom. Any one of his teachers are then able to provide me with a detailed account of Pierre’s day during pick-up; his favourite colours, activities, what made him smile, cry, or laugh that day. This is priceless. It’s the reason why I would choose this school again and again.”

Maryse Monmarche